How To Test Your Page Load Speed

Website speed is very essential when it comes to user experience. If your website is loading slowly, then this can have a great hit on your traffic. Also, nowadays, search engines tend to favour websites with high loading speed. With this, it is clear that you need a website that loads fast to improve your ranking and achieve your goals. As an Internet marketer, it is good to first determine the loading speed of your website so that you can understand where it needs improvement. If you are wondering about how to test your page loading speed, then this article is going to cover this in detail. Ways To Test Your Page Load Speed The following are the simple ways to test page load speed on your website: 1.Lighthouse This is a tool that you can use to test the loading speed of your pages. The best thing about the lighthouse is that it is available as a Chrome extension creating ease of access. Also, it provides detailed insight and generates reports regarding SEO, performance and best ...