
Showing posts from December, 2021

What Marketing Metrics Should You Be Tracking?

       1.  Marketing qualified leads A qualified lead is a possible customer who matches a seller's ideal customer profile even though they have not contacted the company. Each business has its definition of qualified leads. However, the primary meaning is the person who is most likely to purchase your products or services. Qualified leads are essential as they are most likely to pull the trigger and buy your goods and services. Marketing campaigns identify a lot of leads but are unable to qualify the majority. Therefore, it is essential to keep track of your leads.   2.  Customer acquisition cost Customer acquisition cost is money you spend convincing the average customer to buy a product or service. To determine how much profit you made from the marketing strategy, compare the average sale to the customer acquisition cost. If the sales are lesser than the amount spent, your marketing strategy might not be working.   3.  Time spent on the si...

Types of Interactive Content and How to Use Them

                 1.  Quizzes and polls Quizzes and polls are one of the many types of interactive content you will find on websites. Most people use them to pass the time as they find out more about themselves. The quizzes and polls are appealing to the reader because they actively engage them and provide results immediately. As long as the audience gets their results, they will keep going back to your website.   2.  Interactive infographics Infographics simplify information for your readers, such as statistical data. Your readers are more likely to read your content if you have infographics. When you add interactive infographics to your content, you will have captured all of their attention. With interactive infographics, a reader can click on certain sections and dig deeper.   3.  Calculators and measurement tools Just like quizzes, calculators also provide immediate results. You can incorporate calculators and othe...

Tips to Boost Web Traffic

 1. Keyword research When publishing content online, ensure you include relevant keywords. Keywords should be used naturally and not forced into the content. If you fill keywords into your content, it will distract the reader from the main idea. Ensure you use keywords in your descriptions, header and throughout. Also, perform keyword research. How do you conduct keyword research? Use tools such as SEMrush, Moz and Ahrefs. The sites show what keywords your competitors are using and how often visitors search the keywords. 2. Memorable content To drive traffic to your website, you just cannot post any content and think that is enough.  You need to create content that is memorable and unique. Content that makes readers what to come back to your website. Make sure the content you create is valuable. People want content that is informative and answers their questions. Ensure your content answers questions and provide solutions for your readers' problems. 3. Social media Be active o...