Using Negative Space – Keep Your Website Squeaky Clean

Designing a website isn’t easy. You have to keep a lot of factors in mind when coming with a suitable design for your website. One of the basic aspects of website design is how to make use of the available space. On a web page, you have an ample amount of space to work with. However, you need to make sure that you utilize this space cleverly. Designers usually divide the available web page space into two different categories, positive and negative space. In this article, we would focus on negative space and how best you can utilize it for keeping your website clean. 


Breaking up the Page

The negative space more commonly known as whitespace is a tool that can be used for breaking up a web page. You can smartly interject it in between the different design elements and blocks of content on your website. However, it is important to ensure that the space between the content is kept consistent throughout the web page. This will help provide the reader the chance to absorb the information you are offering on the website in a better manner. Not using whitespace properly can make the web page look overstuffed and make it difficult for the reader to focus on the core content.

Increasing Content Comprehension

You want your website visitors to be able to comprehend the content you have displayed on the web page. However, in order for this to happen, you need to ensure that the content itself is legible and easy to read. This is where negative space can come to your aid. By providing proper spacing between the lines of content and each paragraph, you can significantly improve its readability. The reader will have no difficulty in skimming the content and will be able to absorb most of the important information on offer even in a single glance.

Making Content Stand Out

Efficient use of negative space can help make your content and other design elements to stand out. If there is no whitespace added between the content blocks, they will all appear to be visually the same for the reader especially if they are in a hurry. As per the law of proximity, the human eye can’t tell the difference between visual elements that have been placed close to each other. Thus, the addition of negative space can ensure that each visual element on the web page is correctly perceived by the reader.

Anchor Digital is one of Australia’s most trusted SEO companies. If you want to learn how to effectively use negative space for enhancing your website’s design then feel free to contact us anytime. 


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