What Is Google Analytics 4?

Recently, Google announced a new analytic version which they termed as highly functional and updated. Google Analytics is a very important tool that helps webmasters to know where the traffic is coming from, where it is going, and user behavior on the website among other key metrics. 

This crucial data is used in making a decision and improving marketing efforts for businesses. Google Analytics 4 is packed with several features that make it different from its predecessors. 

One of the notable features is the use of Artificial Intelligence to gather crucial data. In addition to this, the user interface of Google Analytics 4 is designed to improve user experience. 

The following are the additional features of Google Analytics 4

1.Use of Artificial Intelligence

This is the key feature of the new Google Analytics 4. The use of artificial intelligence is aimed at providing marketers with highly relevant and accurate data. 

Artificial Intelligence monitors and tracks users and other crucial data about their behaviors on the website or application. This data is then processed to give a detailed report that marketers need to improve on their marketing.

2.Google Analytics 4 Works Allowed Cookie Policies

The recent cookie policy has hurt the ability of the analytics to track data. This leads to the provision of inaccurate and missed information. With the new Google Analytics 4, it is now possible to track data even when the cookie policy is in place. 


More attention is being placed on user experience and therefore the new Google Analytics 4 aims at tracking user behavior on a website much more closely. It tracks the steps that a user takes the moment they get into a website up to the final conversion. This data is very useful in improving user experience and determining why they took the path they did. 

4.Simplified Event Tracking

Unlike the older version of Google Analytics, the new version makes it easy for marketers to track events without additional coding. This is made possible through the simplified user interface. 

5.Simplified And Detailed Data Import

The new Google Analytics 4 makes it possible for marketers to import data from non-website sources such as applications all within the same property. 

The new Google Analytics 4 has several possibilities that will make it easier for marketers to improve their targeting. The AI-powered data and reporting will save time and help marketers make informed decisions. 

If you are looking for help in digital marketing, get in touch with Anchor Digital today. Anchor Digital is a professional digital marketer offering various digital services to help your business grow.


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