SEO vs Social Media Marketing


SEO vs Social Media Marketing

SEO marketing

Search engine optimisation marketing (SEO) involves your brand showing up in Google search results for your audience's search queries. Your SEO ranking dictates the amount of traffic you will experience on your website.


Social media marketing

Social media marketing creates relationships and brand awareness while engaging with the audience on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or LinkedIn.

Both marketing strategies are important and effective when promoting your brand. However, they differ in various aspects.



In SEO marketing, your content needs to be informative and offer in-depth definitions and answers for the common questions asked by visitors on your site. When writing content for SEO ranking, one must keep in mind that the reader is looking for particular information without going through multiple pages. If your content is not informative, they will leave your site.


In social media marketing, your content needs to be engaging. People on social media are looking for content that is entertaining and engaging. When you can relate with your followers emotionally, you will have achieved your social media marketing goals.


Unlike SEO that requires long posts, social media content is short, thoughtful and goes hand in hand with whatever is trending at the moment.


2. Audience

To succeed in any marketing strategy, you have to know your audience. SEO marketing strategy requires your brand to take some time and research your target audience. SEO marketing strategy requires creating marketing personas. Your brand will always write content based on its target audience. Therefore, it is good to know who your audience is.


Social media enables you to select your audience with ease. Unlike SEO, social media platforms have built-in targeting options and demographics on who visit your page. People on social media users share, interact, and engage with content.

As a brand, you can use social media to find your target audience to target with SEO.


3. The process

The success of SEO is a slow but rewarding process. It takes up to six months for the SEO to work correctly. And even when the SEO starts working, you need to put in continuous work to avoid dropping rankings. To maintain your SEO ranking, you need competitive keywords and informative content. SEO is an excellent way to generate visitors.


Social media takes time with planning. You also have to put the effort to build brand awareness and interact with your audience. Once your content has gone viral, it will give your brand a massive boost.


If you need assistance analyzing and tracking your social media metrics or SEO rankings, talk to the team at Anchor Digital. We are social media and SEO experts ready to help you. Visit our website or contact us for more information.




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